How School Counsel(l)ors can use Canva and its AI Capabilities to Make Their Work Even More Impactful and Creative

Canva, with its incredible AI features, can help you create engaging resources, infographics, and much more. Let’s explore how to use these tools in your role as a school counsellor.

Section 1: Creating Engaging Visual Content

Personalized Posters: Start with the basics – design personalized posters for your school events, workshops, and counselling sessions. Canva’s AI suggests colors, fonts, and layouts that resonate with your message.

Emotional Intelligence Infographics: Use Canva’s AI to visualize emotional intelligence concepts. It can help simplify complex topics and make them more relatable to students.

Section 2: AI-Powered Design Assistance

Layout Recommendations: Canva’s AI suggests optimal layouts for your content. It considers the psychology of design to make your materials more visually appealing and effective.

Color Harmony: Let the AI assist in choosing color palettes that convey the right emotions. For example, soothing colors for relaxation exercises or vibrant ones for motivational posters.

Section 3: Interactive Quizzes and Surveys

Interactive Content: Create quizzes or surveys for students to self-assess their well-being or mental health. Canva’s AI can even help generate questions and answer options.

Section 4: Personalized Guidance

Custom Templates: Design your own templates for school counselling materials. Canva’s AI remembers your preferences and suggests relevant templates for future use.

Section 5: Data Visualization

Visualizing Progress: Utilize AI-powered charts and graphs to track and showcase students’ progress. This can help in sharing results with teachers and parents effectively.

Section 6: Mindful Content Creation

AI-Enhanced Quotes: Canva’s AI can suggest quotes that resonate with students’ emotions. Incorporate these into your materials for an extra dose of inspiration.

Relaxation Exercise Videos: Use Canva’s AI to edit and enhance relaxation exercise videos. It can help you create a soothing and calming atmosphere.

Section 7: Collaborative Projects

Group Projects: Collaborate with students on creative projects. Canva’s AI can facilitate brainstorming and design suggestions for group initiatives.

Canva’s AI capabilities open up a world of creative possibilities for school counsellors like you. It can help you connect with students in innovative ways, making counselling sessions and resources not just informative, but engaging and fun. Embrace the magic of AI and inspire your students to thrive!

Here are 20 ways school counsellors can use Canva ‘s AI tools

  1. AI-Curated Reading Lists: Canva’s AI can help school counsellors curate personalized reading lists for students based on their interests and needs. This can be a valuable resource to support students’ personal development and provide them with relevant content to enhance their understanding of various topics.
  2. AI-Enhanced Videos: Create educational and motivational videos for school counselling sessions. Canva’s AI can be used to edit and enhance video content, adding subtitles, visual effects, and animations to make the material engaging and informative.
  3. AI-Generated Affirmations: Generate daily affirmations with Canva’s AI. These affirmations can be used in daily routines or as part of counseling sessions to boost students’ self-esteem and promote positive thinking.
  4. AI-Generated Playlists: Craft music playlists with AI-generated recommendations to set the mood during counseling sessions. Music can be a powerful tool to create a calming or motivating atmosphere.
  5. AI-Powered Career Path Infographics: Use Canva’s AI to create infographics that visualize potential career paths for students. These infographics can include information on job prospects, required qualifications, and career development steps.
  6. AI-Prompted Journaling: Canva’s AI can generate journaling prompts tailored to each student’s needs and preferences. Journaling can be a therapeutic tool for self-reflection and personal growth.
  7. Audio Visualization: Design graphics that visually represent audio recordings of relaxation exercises, therapy sessions, or guided meditations. These visuals can enhance engagement and understanding during such activities.
  8. Collaborative Art Projects: Collaborate with students on creative art projects using Canva’s AI for design input. These projects can serve as a therapeutic outlet for self-expression and creativity.
  9. Digital Mind Maps: Create interactive mind maps to help students organize their thoughts, plan projects, or visualize complex concepts. Canva’s AI can assist in generating mind map structures.
  10. Emotion Wheel: Craft an interactive emotion wheel that students can use to identify and express their feelings. This can be a useful tool for emotional self-awareness and communication.
  11. Gamified Counseling Materials: Use Canva’s AI to create interactive and gamified counseling materials. Gamification can make counseling sessions more engaging, helping students to learn and apply coping strategies in a fun way.
  12. Interactive Decision Trees: Build decision-making flowcharts with AI recommendations to guide students through complex choices. This can be especially helpful when students are facing significant decisions.
  13. Interactive Progress Trackers: Develop visually appealing trackers for students to monitor their progress in various aspects of life, such as academic achievements, personal goals, or mental health improvements.
  14. Mindful Coloring Pages: Design AI-generated mindful coloring pages for students to use as a relaxation and stress-reduction tool. Coloring can promote mindfulness and stress relief.
  15. Motivational GIFs: Craft animated GIFs with Canva’s AI to provide quick motivational boosts during online counseling sessions. GIFs can be used to emphasize key points or convey supportive messages.
  16. Positive Message Banners: Create interactive banners that display positive messages. These banners can change based on student interaction, providing customized motivation and encouragement.
  17. Self-Care Bingo: Develop personalized self-care bingo cards with AI-generated self-care ideas. This can encourage students to engage in self-care activities and promote their well-being.
  18. Therapeutic Comic Strips: Create therapeutic comic strips with AI-generated dialogues and scenarios to address common issues and challenges that students might face.
  19. Virtual Vision Boards: Canva’s AI can help students create digital vision boards, visualizing their goals, dreams, and aspirations. These vision boards can serve as powerful tools for motivation and goal setting.
  20. AI-Powered Study Guides: Assist students with AI-powered study guides that adapt to their learning preferences and needs. These guides can include interactive elements, quizzes, and personalized study tips.

Each of these ideas empowers school counsellors to use Canva’s AI tools in unique ways to support students in their personal and academic growth. The possibilities are truly endless! Please feel free to share some of your ideas in the comments..

So,school counsellors, get out there and create, inspire, and make a positive impact on your school community. Continue to make a difference using Canva as a starting point. Thanks to Chat GPT and Canva for so many ideas. You can use Canva in your School Counselling Program . The possibilities are endless.

Your Mental Health Matters

As we all navigate through life, it’s crucial to remember that our mental health matters just as much as our physical health. Despite the stigma that has surrounded mental health for many years, it’s important to break these barriers and openly discuss the importance of maintaining a healthy mind. Mental health literacy is crucial for all of us. Learn more so that we do not overdiagnose. With this in mind, let’s delve into the significance of mental health.

World Mental Health Day

Every year on October 10th, we observe World Mental Health Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness about mental health issues around the globe. This day provides us with an opportunity to spread knowledge about mental health, shattering the stigmas, misconceptions, and prejudices that unfortunately still exist in many societies.

The Importance of Mental Health

Our mental health encompasses our emotional, psychological, and social well-being, impacting how we think, feel, and act. It also plays a fundamental role in how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood. Without positive mental health, it’s difficult to fully enjoy life and deal with its challenges.

Looking After Your Mental Health

There are many ways to look after your mental health. Each day is a new opportunity to take care of your mind. Remember to stay active, even if it just 15 minutes a day to start. Eat a balanced diet as often as possible. Maintain a regular sleep schedule, and take time each day to relax and do things that you love. Reach out to friends and family, talk about your feelings, and don’t be afraid to seek professional help. If you’re struggling. School Counsellors are always there to freely help you. They are trained mental health professionals.

Remember, It’s Okay Not to Be Okay

Lastly, remember that it’s okay not to be okay all the time. Everyone has good days and bad days, and it’s perfectly normal to feel down sometimes. What’s important is to recognise these feelings, accept them, and take steps to look after your mental health. If you’re struggling, don’t hesitate to reach out for help.


As we commemorate World Mental Health Day on October 10th, 2023, let’s not only raise awareness about mental health issues but also take active steps to prioritize our mental health and learn mental health literacy skills. Let’s strive to create a world where mental health is no longer stigmatized, but understood, accepted, and prioritized. Let’s treat people with the same dignity we treat someone with a physical illness.

Self-Care: The Daily Guide To Personal Wellness

Testing out the new AI Magic switch on Canva which turns something I put together into a blog post …

In today’s fast-paced world, taking care of oneself has become a critical, but often overlooked aspect of a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Here, we present a daily guide that will aid you in carving out time for self-care.

Monday: Embrace Physical Activity

Start your week with a good dose of physical activity. Set a goal to exercise for at least 30 minutes. It doesn’t have to be an intense workout; a brisk walk, yoga, or dancing to your favorite tunes can do the trick. The idea is to get your body moving and your heart pumping.

Tuesday: Pursue Happiness

On Tuesday, make it a point to do something that brings you joy. It could be anything from painting, reading a book, or cooking your favorite dish. Engaging in activities that make you happy is an excellent way to reduce stress and improve your mood.

Wednesday: Take a Break

Midweek can sometimes be overwhelming. So, take a break from your routine. Step out of your office or classroom, even if it’s only for a few minutes. This break will refresh your mind and help you regain your focus.

Thursday: Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the practice of focusing on the present moment without judgment. It’s about accepting things as they are. On Thursday, dedicate some time to practice mindfulness and positive self-talk. It will help alleviate stress and increase your mental wellbeing.

Friday: One Day at a Time

As the week ends, remember to take one day at a time. Spend time with people who uplift and inspire you. Having positive influences around you can significantly enhance your mood and overall outlook.

Saturday: Embrace Imperfection

On Saturday, remind yourself that it’s OK to make mistakes. Be gentle with yourself. Mistakes are inevitable, and they are a crucial part of growth and learning. Instead of dwelling on them, use them as stepping stones to improve and move forward.

Sunday: Rest and Recharge

Finally, round off your week with a day of rest. Take care of yourself by doing activities that rejuvenate you. It could be a hot bath, a long nap, or simply spending the day in your pajamas watching your favorite movies. Remember, rest is as important as work, so make sure you prioritize it.

Reminders and Reflections:

As you go through this journey of self-care, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Every day, make a list of three things you are grateful for to cultivate a positive outlook.
  • Remind yourself that you can handle whatever comes your way.
  • Each day, set an intention or goal. It could be as simple as ‘Just for today I will…’

By incorporating these simple practices into your routine, you’ll foster a sense of wellbeing and enhance your quality of life. Remember, self-care is not a luxury, but a necessity!

Follow me on Twitter for more self-care tips and advice
